Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Task 2: Katakana Analysis (Draft)

Think about katakana use and write your analysis on your blog. Follow the directions below.
(Other people will read your analysis and make comments on your analysis, later.)
You may write in English.
  1. Choose at least 2 katakana words/expressions that you found and think about what kinds of effects / purposes there may be in these words/expressions writing in katakana instead of hiragana or kanji.
  2. Also, think why there are such effects/purposes.
  3. Think about why each textbook is different in explaining katakana, and why the textbooks explained katakana in the manners that they did.

* On your blog, post what you have written in the question above. For the title, write "Katakana Analysis Draft." (deadline: 10/9 (T) for 5:40- class; 10/10 (W) for 11:40- class)

Katakana Analysis Checklist
  1. Did you clearly state the source(s) for your data (e.g., newspaper "Asayomi shinbun," women's magazine "Kitty")?
  2. Did you gather enough information from varied sources to support your conclusion?
  3. Were you able to exchange your opinion with people who knows Japanese (i.e., advanced level Japanese learners, a Japanese person)?
  4. If you want to read about the Katakana project objectives and procedure, click here.

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